How to take an extra 1 minute off your 1500m open water swim time!? : Push phase swim drills
How to take an extra 1 minute off your 1500m open water swim time!? : Push phase swim drills The push stage of your stroke is where the majo
Learning breathing drills and timing for improving your front crawl technique
Do you find you're constantly in oxygen debt or running out of air whilst swimming front crawl? Or not relaxed and comfortable swimming?...
Personalised Coaching Plans
What are your triathlon and swimming plans for 2020? We are currently accepting new athlete registrations for personalised coaching and...
How to Improve the Pull phase for front crawl
If you only do one swim drill this week, do this..
How much do you want to improve your swim technique and fitness? Did you know swimming front crawl i
Before and after video analysis yielding a 30 second improvement in average 100 metre pace in 6 months!
What’s the best swim drill for improving your catch that you’re not doing?
How do you know if your catch phase is effective? Try doing the "O Ring" drill to improve your feel for the water and your catch p
Join our Fitness and Technique weekly squad sessions Tuesdays 8.30 - 9.30pm
Would you love to learn how to swim with an effortless front crawl technique in 2019 / 2020? Speedy Swimming are offering 10% off your...
How to improve your breathing skills and timing for front crawl
This post is primarily intended for beginner and improver level front crawl swimmers. To clarify, a beginner level swimmer would swim less t
Do you need to to improve your entry phase for front crawl?
Your hand entry for front crawl can either set you up for success or failure in the other phases of the stroke. Ideally you would want to be
Improving your Distance per Stroke part 2
Improving your Distance per Stroke part 2