How to take an extra 1 minute off your 1500m open water swim time!? : Push phase swim drills
How to take an extra 1 minute off your 1500m open water swim time!? : Push phase swim drills The push stage of your stroke is where the majo
Learning breathing drills and timing for improving your front crawl technique
Do you find you're constantly in oxygen debt or running out of air whilst swimming front crawl? Or not relaxed and comfortable swimming?...
Improving your Distance per Stroke part 2
Improving your Distance per Stroke part 2
Improving your Distance per Stroke part 1
How to improve your stroke efficiency by reducing drag and increasing streamlining..
How do you know if your front crawl swimming is getting any faster?
How do you know if your front crawl swimming is getting any faster?
How do you increase your awareness for front crawl in the underwater phases!?
How do you increase your awareness for front crawl in the underwater phases?
Top Recommendations To Maintain Your Swim Fitness Over The Winter Months!
Top Recommendations To Maintain Your Swim Fitness Over The Winter