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Speedy Swimming Covig 19 Group Training 1-2-1 Lesson Update and Statement

It's all been a bit of all change this week hasn't it...

In the wake of what's happening with the Coronavirus and PHE and Government guidelines, we are suspending all training sessions, groups and 121 swim lessons for the foreseeable future. We hope to be back up and running asap although this might well be May or beyond.

We’re reaching and gliding as a country and community into the unknown with how this will all shape up. Running, walking and cycling are obviously ok outside, just keep your distance as the guidelines suggest.

The question is how do you maintain the swim fitness and technique that you've spent hours and hours developing and building up?

I have a number of solutions and options to help keep on the right path, still exercising and focused on goals, although these have probably moved a little now. If you need help re setting and re focusing on new goals then get in touch.

If you want any tips / advice / feedback / help with your solo training sessions or help with exercise workouts please just ask. I’m also a TRX, Boxercise instructor and Personal Trainer.

I can help give you structured bike and running sessions on Training Peaks, and turbo training sessions based on heart rate or power, on a smart or normal turbo trainer. Let me know if you’re interested in any of these and we can arrange a chat online or on the phone about how this works and the options.

Training Peaks account analysis:

If you have a training peaks and want to discuss how you’re doing and how to reset your training goals then click the following link:

Here is the link to connect your training peaks account to my coaching account

Email me at or call on 07958635142

In light of these we still have some training options for you we can offer:

  1. 121 swim strength personal training sessions

  2. I can program in sessions for other disciplines for you on Training peaks, where social distancing is recommended, like for bike and running training sessions, whether inside on a turbo trainer or treadmill or outside getting some much needed fresh air. We can talk through this if you’re interested

  3. 121 basis Training Peaks consultations – I can have a look at your Training Peaks sessions, and analyse how your training has been going, and help you to plan the next few weeks out.

  4. Group basis sessions with a few friends

  5. Club based

  6. Explain training plans and periodisation and analyse your own training situation and how you can maximise your training at the moment

  7. Swim drills and demos

  8. 121 TRX and core strength sessions to help build and improve your core strength

  9. Explain and help you practice and understand your swim drills online with demos so you understand the phases of front crawl and your personalised drills you need to improve on

  10. Swim bands exercises to help with swim specific strength and biomechanics

This can all be done via Zoom the online video conferencing and meeting suite which we're using

These swim bands are a worthwhile and useful investment to maintain your swim strength and fitness over the next few weeks.

We've used these in our group swim squad sessions before at Guildford Lido, working on the biomechanics of the stroke, focusing on the Early Vertical Forearm positioning for the catch, the push phase by building tricep strength, and rotation with long axis full body twisting movements for increased powr and distance per stroke.

If you're going to get some these Finis ones are very good, choose light for ladies, or medium for men, you don't need much resistance, as the actual forces whilst swimming are on the lower side of efforts you would expect to see with weights in the gym.…/…/B004O6ECXC…

These are a different brand and originally designed for improving surfers paddling strength, and hence ideal for swim strength and improving the biomechanics for front crawl.

These ones are lighter and easier and can be used for other things like rotation chest and reverse flys, rows etc. Attach around a tree, door handle etc

FINIS Slide Dryland Swimming and Sports Training Resistance Exercise Bands with Rotating Handles

I’m going to be setting weekly challenges to keep you motivated during the next few weeks, to help you stay on top of your swim and triathlon games. When you go back to the pool again or open water, you’ll be able to blast past your current training partners and leave them in your wake!

Remember though, the best and only person you should compare yourself is to the person you were yesterday. Onwards and upwards, better and better, day by day!

You can however mitigate the loss of swim fitness with lots of other ways of exercising:

Other Cross training options you can do:

  1. Kayaking solo workouts – paddling can replicate the feel for the water, is pretty similar in that sense to catching the water for front crawl, slow at first, catch and hold the pressure of the water as you move your hand or paddle in a backwards direction. Kayaking builds a lot of core and oblique strength as well as your shoulders and lats. One of my clients took 3 minutes off his 1000 metre swim time by kayaking a couple of times a week

  2. Concept 2 rowing – I have workouts and interval based sessions if you have one of these at home. The 2000m challenge is a good target in under 8 minutes!

  3. Bodycombat – please watch the technique videos on youtube first before doing a full online class. Search for “Bodycombat Invincible” which will take you through a series of workouts teaching you the right techniques and cues

  4. Bodypump – as with Bodycombat watch the technique videos first. This is a great workout helping to build stamina an strength, whilst correct muscle imbalances. Its great for endurance sports as it works on the slow twitch muscle fibres ie the endurance ones.

Don’t overdo the intensity or duration of your sessions too much, as your immune system may be compromised slightly as you recover from your workout, stay sub threshold <80% of max heart rate to be sure.

Stay safe, and well and keep your distance as per Public health England and Government guidelines and take care.

Any questions let me know or if you need help or motivation

Take care,


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